Facebook's Privacy Settings... Not Much Privacy There.
/Image Credit: AdnetworkSolutions.com
Is there anyone you know who isn't on Facebook yet? I doubt... Well, no one who matters anyway! I kid. I kid. I think with Facebook being the most popular social network almost everywhere, there is no doubt you'll be running into most people that you know, and probably most of those are after things to gossip about.
That's where the privacy settings play a big role... making sure that those annoying people you want to keep out of your business in real life are still out of your business online without rudely ignoring them (Yeah I'm sure that each one of us had to at least accept a friendship request from a few people we don't really want to be friends with but couldn't quite have the nerves to ignore them because we know it'll be awkward when we happen to run into them somewhere).
Now who hasn't been bothered by the way Facebook keeps changing their privacy settings almost to make it impossible for you to hide anything at all! Obviously some didn't care, but at least 36,042 people were so angry that they decided to quit facebook on May 31st as seen on www.QuitFacebookDay.com. With over 400 Million accounts on Facebook, that number seems too little to make a difference.
However, it seems that it wasn't actually as Facebook rolled out its new simplified privacy settings on May 26th. Now I wonder how many of those actually did quit after that since the website served them only notifications to deactivate their accounts on that day but can't actually take measure to automatically deactivate the accounts for them. Saying you are going to quit smoking doesn't actually mean you've quit!
Surely I wasn't too surprised as I've predicted the new change in privacy settings shortly before it was announced as I gave an interview to Saudi Gazette which was published on Friday, 28th of May, reported by Afifa Jabeen. For my personal opinion and tips on privacy settings, check out the article here.
I'd be glad to hear your opinion on this as well and how you make sure your privacy is protected.